HackTube Gaming
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HackTube Gaming
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Cykid (51)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
KLkilleRz (18)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
VbCoder (13)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
yannickm (9)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
Engin68 (9)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
[Hacker] Sirbestro (7)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
gaige333 (6)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
leonhu (5)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
infern0x (5)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
baybarsfb (4)
HackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_lcapHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_voting_barHackTube Gaming - HackTube I_vote_rcap 
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HackTube Activity

The last weeks HackTube was pretty inactive.

And I want the forum more active.

So I will make a big update.

But we need more active users too.

I'm gonna delete all posts on this website and we are gonna replace it again.

Please be much active on this website.

I dont know if I'm gonna start coding again.

But I'm gonna try to place hacks of all online games.

Maybe I am gonna make a new design either.

Please send me a message with online games and I will search hacks for them.

I will make a new ChatBox either.

You can send me a list of games and/or usable ideas.

I'm just asking your help now.

Some people asked me how to make hacks.

Because I dont code C++ anymore I cant learn you that.

Sorry if I promised you.

There will be a time.

You cant make game hacks anymore with visual basics,except flash games.

C++ 06 doesnt work either and C++ 2008 almost not.

So thats why its a little hard for me.

I need new sources and adresser/addie's.

This forum is going to be active again!

And please visit www.cykidcoder.net.tc for Visual Basic Tutorials.






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